ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aboriginal History

Okay kiddo, would you like to learn about the history of Aboriginal people in Australia?

Great! So, a long time ago, way before Mommy and Daddy were born, there were people living on this land. These people were known as the Aboriginal people or the First Nations people.

Aboriginal people have been living in Australia for over 60,000 years! That's longer than anyone can really imagine. Their way of life was different from what we know today. They lived in harmony with nature and would hunt and gather their food. They were great artists and would create beautiful paintings and designs.

In 1770, a man named Captain James Cook arrived in Australia and claimed it as a British territory. This led to British settlement and a lot of problems for the Aboriginal people. Many of them were taken away from their families and forced to live in missions or reserves. They were treated unfairly and many were even killed. This is known as the Stolen Generations.

It wasn't until many years later that the Australian government recognized the mistreatment of Aboriginal people and started to try and make things right. They said sorry for what had happened and promised to work with Aboriginal people to make things better.

Today, Aboriginal people are still working hard to keep their culture and traditions alive. They continue to make beautiful art and music and pass on their stories through the generations. It's important to always remember and respect the history of the Aboriginal people and their culture.