ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Autonomous entity

An autonomous entity is like a robot that can do things on its own without needing to be told what to do all the time. Just like how you have to be told to do your chores, a regular robot can only do what it's programmed to do. But an autonomous entity is special because it can figure out what it needs to do and then do it without any human help.

Imagine you have a toy car that you can control with a remote. You can make it go forwards, backwards, left, and right. But what if the toy car was so smart that it could figure out where to go all by itself? You could just tell it where you want it to end up, and then it would find its own way there without you having to control it every step of the way.

That's sort of what an autonomous entity is like. It's a robot or computer program that can figure out what it needs to do to accomplish a task, and then do it without any outside help. It might use sensors to see what's happening around it or it might have a program that tells it what to do in different situations. But once it knows what it needs to do, it can make its own decisions and take action without any human input.

Autonomous entities are used in all sorts of things, like self-driving cars, drones, and even some home appliances. They can be really helpful because they can do things faster and more efficiently than humans can. But it's important to make sure that they're safe and reliable, because they're making decisions without any human oversight. So scientists and engineers work hard to make sure that autonomous entities are smart, safe, and easy to use.