ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Binocular vision

Binocular vision is when both of your eyes work together to see the same thing. Imagine holding two magnifying glasses in front of your eyes and looking at the same object with both of them. This is like what happens in your eyes when you look at something with binocular vision.

Your eyes are special because they can move around and focus on different things. When you use binocular vision, your brain takes the two different images from each eye and puts them together to make one image. This makes it easier to see things in three dimensions, like when you're playing a video game or watching a movie in 3D.

When you're using binocular vision, each eye sees the same thing but from a slightly different angle. This is why things that are closer to you look bigger, and things that are further away look smaller. Your brain uses the different angles that each eye sees to figure out how far away something is.

Binocular vision is important for many things, like playing sports or driving a car. Without it, everything would look flat and it would be hard to tell how far away things are. So, next time you're looking at something, try using both eyes at the same time!