Stereopsis is a fancy word for how your two eyes work together to help you see in 3D, like when you watch a movie with special glasses that make things look like they’re coming out of the screen.
Your eyes are like two cameras that take pictures of the world from slightly different angles. This means that each eye sees things a little differently. Your brain then takes these two pictures and combines them to make one big picture that has depth and looks 3D.
For example, if you hold your finger up in front of your face and close one eye, your finger will look like it’s in one place. But when you open both eyes, your finger will look like it’s in a slightly different place. Your brain uses this difference to figure out how far away your finger is from you.
Because of stereopsis, you’re able to see things in 3D and it helps you judge distance and depth. It’s pretty amazing how our eyes and brains work together to give us such an incredible view of the world!