ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Biological psychology

Biological psychology is the study of how our brain and body work together to make us think, feel and behave in certain ways. It is like trying to understand how the parts of a car work together to make it go fast or slow.

Our brain has many different parts that control different things, just like how the steering wheel controls where the car goes. Scientists who study biological psychology want to understand how these different parts work and communicate with each other. They study things like how our brain processes information from our senses, such as what we see, hear, or feel. They also look at how our brain controls our movements and emotions.

To study biological psychology, scientists use tools like MRI machines to create pictures of the brain and determine which parts are active when we perform certain tasks. They also study the effects of different chemicals in the brain, such as hormones or neurotransmitters, which help control our thoughts and behaviors.

Overall, biological psychology helps us understand how our brain and body work together to make us who we are, just like how the different parts of a car work together to make it go.