ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Biological reproduction

Biological reproduction is how living things make more of themselves. It's like when you play with your Legos and use the blocks to build a Lego house, but in living things, it's how they make new living things that are similar to themselves.

When a mommy and daddy animal want to make a baby, the daddy helps by giving the mommy something called sperm, and the mommy has something called an egg. Sperm and eggs are like puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly to make a new living thing.

When the sperm and egg come together, it's called fertilization. The egg grows and grows inside the mommy's body, and eventually, a baby is born!

But not all living things make babies this way. Some plants make seeds, which can grow into a new plant. Other animals, like worms, can split into two new worms that are just like the original worm. And some bacteria can divide in half and make two new bacteria.

So just like how you can make different things with your Legos, living things have different ways to make new living things that are just like them!