ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Black church

A black church is a place where black people go to worship God. It is a special church where everyone believes in Jesus, but they sing different songs and pray differently than other churches.

Back in history, black people were not allowed to go to the same church as white people. They started their own churches, where they could worship and praise the Lord as equals. These churches became a safe haven for black people, especially during the time of slavery, where they could pray and find support from other believers.

The black churches also played a big role in the civil rights movement in the 1960s. Pastors and ministers used the church as a way to organize protests and rallies, and help bring about change in their communities.

Today, black churches are still an essential part of the black community. They provide a place of worship, community, and support for black people that face discrimination and inequality in other areas of life.