Black match is a kind of rope made with a very special kind of gunpowder. You know how when you light a candle or a matchstick, it creates a flame? Well, black match is a special kind of rope that does that too!
When we want to make something explode, we have to light a fuse, which is a kind of rope that burns slowly. This fuse sets off the explosion. Black match is like a fuse, but it burns a lot faster and is used in different ways.
Black match is made by mixing special ingredients together and then putting them into a machine that pounds and mixes them together. After that, the mixture is rolled and pulled to create a long, thin, black rope.
In history, people used black match as a way to light cannons and guns. They would put some of the black match into the gunpowder before they fired the cannon, and the black match would light the gunpowder and make the cannon go BOOM! Nowadays, black match is mostly used in fireworks to create beautiful explosions of light and color in the sky.