ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Brown v. Board of Education

Okay kiddo, do you know what school is? It's a place where you go to learn and do your homework. But did you know that a long time ago, some kids weren't allowed to go to the same schools as other kids just because they have different skin colors?

This was very unfair, and in 1954, a very important court case called Brown v. Board of Education happened. A family with a little girl named Linda Brown wanted her to go to a school that was closer to their home, but it was only for white kids, and she was not allowed to go there just because she was black.

So Linda's family and many other families who were fighting for the same thing went to court to say that it's not fair that black kids and white kids couldn't go to the same schools. They said that everyone should be treated the same and have the same chances to learn and be successful in life.

And guess what? The court agreed! They said that separate schools for different races were not equal, and it was not fair to treat kids differently just because of their skin color. This was a big win for civil rights and equality. From then on, all schools had to be open to everyone, no matter what their skin color is.