ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canegrate culture

Canegrate culture was the way that people lived in a special place a long, long time ago. Canegrate is the name of a little village in northern Italy where archaeologists found lots of clues about how these people lived.

They liked to make things out of metal, like tools and weapons. They also made really pretty jewelry out of gold and bronze. They were really good at it!

The people in Canegrate lived in houses made out of wood and clay. It was kind of like a big tent made out of sticks and mud. They had to hunt and fish for food because they did not have any farms. They also gathered fruits and nuts from the forests and fields nearby.

Their religion was a big part of their life too. They believed in gods and goddesses and they built special places where they could go to pray and connect with these religious spirits.

Canegrate culture was a really important time in history because it helped us learn about how people lived a long time ago and how they have changed over time.