ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Catholic Church and evolution

Okay kiddo, so the Catholic Church is a big group of people who believe in God and Jesus, and they are very important in Christianity. They have some ideas about how the world and all living things on it came to be, and one of these ideas is called evolution.

Evolution is like a big puzzle that tries to explain how all living things changed and developed over a really long time. It says that some animals, like dinosaurs, lived a long time ago and then died out, and other animals, like humans, came later and are still around today. Evolution also says that all living things are related in some way, like how you and your siblings share some of the same features because you come from the same family.

Now, some people think that evolution goes against what the Bible says about how God created the world and living things. But the Catholic Church believes that the Bible has different teachings that might be interpreted in many ways, so they are open to the idea of evolution as one possible explanation for how God created everything.

The Church has also studied science and talked to people who study evolution and they think that evolution doesn't mean there is no God. They think that God might have used evolution as a way to create all living things. So, in a way, evolution might be part of God's plan!

So, the Catholic Church thinks that evolution can be true, but they also believe that God had a role in it. They don't see evolution as something that goes against their faith, but as a scientific theory that can help us learn more about the world God made.