ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


So, a long long time ago in a place called Europe, there were lots of different groups of people who lived there. One of these groups were the Celtici. They were very important because they lived in what is now Spain and Portugal and they had a special culture that was different from the other groups.

The Celtici were famous for being warriors, which means they were really good at fighting. They had special weapons like swords and shields that they used to protect themselves and their families. They also had their own language, which was called Celtic. It sounded different from the languages people spoke in other parts of Europe.

One thing that made the Celtici very special was their religion. They believed in many gods and goddesses, and they thought that nature itself was magical and full of power. They would do special rituals and ceremonies to ask the gods and goddesses for help with things like good weather for farming or protection in battle.

The Celtici were also known for their art and craft skills. They made beautiful things like jewelry, pottery, and even homes that were decorated with intricate designs. They had a lot of respect for nature, and they would use things they found in the natural world to create their art.

Sadly, the Celtici eventually disappeared as a distinct group of people. Over time, other groups came to live in the same area and they mixed together. But the Celtici will always be remembered for their unique culture and the impact they had on history.