ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


When a woman has a baby in her tummy and the baby is all grown up to come out, it's time for giving birth. During childbirth, the baby will come out of a special hole called the vagina. First, the mommy will feel contractions, which feel like really strong tummy squeezes. These contractions are helping to push the baby down towards the vagina.

When the mommy is ready to give birth, she will go to the hospital or a special mommy and baby center with the daddy or another helpful person. The mommy will go to a special room where she can be comfortable and have people to help her. She might choose to have medicine that can help her feel more comfortable or even go to sleep.

When it's time, the mommy will push the baby out through her vagina. The baby might come out quickly, or it might take a little while. When the baby is coming out, the mommy might feel like she needs to push like she is going to the bathroom.

When the baby comes out, the doctors and nurses will make sure the baby is healthy and happy. They might clean the baby off and give it to the mommy so she can hold and cuddle it. Then, the mommy can drink and eat something special to help her recover from the birth.

Childbirth can be a big day for a family because it is the day a new baby is born!