ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Combustibility and flammability

When we talk about combustibility and flammability, it means how easy it is for something to catch fire and burn.

Think of it like this – when you light a matchstick or a birthday candle, you are making a fire. The candle's wax is combustible, which means it can catch fire easily.

Flammability refers to how quickly and easily something can catch fire and keep burning. For example, dry leaves and paper are highly flammable because they catch fire quickly and burn easily. On the other hand, metal or water are not flammable because they don't catch fire and burn at all.

Combustibility means somewhat the same thing as flammability, but it also takes into account what happens when a substance burns. When something is combustible, it means that it can burn and release energy in the form of heat and light.

Understanding combustibility and flammability is important for safety reasons. We should always be careful around flammable materials, and avoid doing anything that could cause a fire.