ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Designer babies

Okay kiddo, so you know how babies are born with different traits like eye color, hair color, and height based on their parents' genes? Well, sometimes parents want to choose what traits their baby will have before they are born. That’s called a "designer baby."

Scientists can do this by changing the DNA of the embryo before it is born. DNA is like a recipe book that tells your body how to make different parts of you. By changing some parts of the recipe book, the scientists can make sure certain traits are turned on and others are turned off.

So, for example, if a parent wants their baby to have blue eyes and blonde hair like they had when they were a baby, the scientists can make sure the baby's DNA recipe book has those instructions. Parents can even choose to have their baby be smarter or stronger by changing some parts of the DNA.

Now, some people think this is a good idea because parents can prevent certain genetic diseases from being passed down to their children. But others think it's wrong to try to control what a baby will look like and who they will become before they are even born.

It's important for everyone to have a discussion about the ethics and consequences of designer babies before they are created.