ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Doctors' Trial

Okay, so you know how when you get sick or hurt, you go to a doctor to make you feel better? Well, sometimes doctors do things that aren't alright and can be dangerous to people, and they need to be held accountable for it.

The doctors' trial is a legal process where doctors who did bad things during World War 2 were taken to court and punished for it. They did things like experimenting on people without their consent or killing them just because of their religion or if they had a disability.

This trial was very important because it showed that nobody is above the law, even doctors who have special jobs. It also helped people understand how important it is to respect human life and not to hurt others just because they are different from us. This way, everyone can feel safe and be treated fairly, just like how a doctor makes us feel better when we are sick.