ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electronic typesetting

Let's pretend we had a book we wanted to make, but it was super hard to write it out by hand and we didn't want to use a typewriter because that takes a long time too. That's where electronic typesetting comes in.

Electronic typesetting is like having a special machine that helps us make our book look nice and pretty without having to write every word by hand. We use a computer to type out all the words in our book, and the machine turns it into nice and neat little letters that are all the same size and shape. These letters are called fonts.

We can choose different fonts for different parts of our book to make it look more interesting, and even add pictures or designs that the machine will print out for us. This makes our book look really professional and easy to read.

So basically, electronic typesetting is a way to use a computer and a special machine to make our writing look really nice and professional without having to do it all by hand.