ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Frame language

Frame language refers to how we use words and phrases to create a certain perspective or understanding around a particular issue or topic. Imagine you are painting a picture, and you decide to put a frame around it to make it look more complete and to draw attention to certain parts. In a similar way, using frame language means we construct a frame around the words we use to communicate, which helps the listener or reader better understand what we are trying to say.

For example, if we use the phrase "illegal immigrants" to describe a group of people, we are framing our language in a way that implies they have done something wrong or broken the law. However, if we use the phrase "undocumented migrants," we are framing the language to suggest that they are simply lacking the proper documentation, rather than being criminals.

Frames can help us convey specific ideas and points of view, but they can also be used to manipulate or mislead people. Therefore, it is important to be aware of how language is being framed in a particular context, and to try to understand the underlying perspective or bias that may be present.