ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gente de razón

Gente de razón means a group of people who use their minds and think logically. Imagine you have a brain in your head that helps you think and reason things out. People who use their brains in a smart way and make good decisions are called gente de razón.

These people are very smart and take time to think things through before making decisions. They use their knowledge and experiences to choose the best option. It's important to be a gente de razón because it helps you make good choices and avoid getting into trouble.

For example, imagine you're at the grocery store with your mom, and you see candy that you really want. But your mom tells you that you can't have candy because it's not healthy for you. A gente de razón would think about this and remember that their mom is looking out for their health. So instead of throwing a tantrum, they will accept that their mom is right and move on.

Being a gente de razón means being responsible and taking responsibility for your actions. So always think before you act, and if you're not sure, ask for help.