ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Incineration is when we burn trash to get rid of it. Just like how we burn logs in a fireplace to make it warm and toasty, we burn our trash to make it disappear.

First, we put all the trash in a big machine that can handle the heat of fire. We make sure that the trash doesn't have anything that can be dangerous when burned, like batteries, chemicals, or gases.

Then, the machine heats the trash up to very high temperatures, much hotter than the temperature in the middle of the summer! This heat makes the trash turn into gas and ash.

The gas goes through special equipment that filters out any harmful chemicals in the gas. Then, it goes up a tall chimney and is released into the air.

The ash left over is mostly harmless because the high heat burned out anything that could be harmful. We can either bury it, safely store it, or use it as a replacement for soil when planting trees or flowers.

This way, we can get rid of our trash and make sure it doesn't harm the environment by littering or sitting in landfills that pollute the air and water around them.