ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Inclusion (value and practice)

Inclusion is about making everyone feel like they belong and are important. It means that everyone is treated fairly and equally. Just like how we don't leave anyone out when we play a game or share our toys, we also don't leave anyone out in our school, our community, or our world.

Inclusion is important because everyone has different strengths, abilities, and needs. Some people may learn differently, use wheelchairs, or speak a different language. Inclusion means that we accept and celebrate these differences instead of ignoring or discriminating against them.

To practice inclusion, we need to make sure that everyone has access to the same opportunities and resources. We should listen to everyone's ideas and opinions, and make sure that everyone has a chance to participate. We should also stand up against bullying, discrimination, and exclusion when we see it happening to someone else.

When we value and practice inclusion, we create a world where everyone is accepted and appreciated for who they are. It's like having a big family where everyone loves and supports each other, no matter what.