ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jhangar phase

Jhangar phase is like playing house, but instead of building houses for dolls, people build houses for themselves. The Jhangar phase happened a long time ago in northern India, and people during that time built their houses using mud and bricks.

When people would start building their houses, they would start by making a frame, like a big box or rectangle, out of wooden poles. Then they would pack mud and clay around the poles until the whole thing was covered. They would also use straw or other things to help make the mud stronger.

The next step would be to put up some walls inside the box to make rooms. To do this, people would make some more wooden poles and tie them together to make a sort of frame. Then they would cover the frame with mud and straw until it was strong and wouldn't fall down.

Finally, people would put a roof on the house. They would take wooden poles and put them across the top of the walls of the house. Then they would cover the poles with more mud and straw and make it so the roof sloped downwards so the rain wouldn't get inside the house.

People during the Jhangar phase would live in these houses which they built themselves. They would cook, eat and sleep inside, and some people would even keep animals like cows or goats in there too.