ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jhukar phase

Okay, so there was a long time ago when there were no cities or things like we have today. Instead, people lived in groups called tribes and moved around to find food and other things they needed. One of these tribes was called the Jhukar people.

The Jhukar people lived in an area in what is now known as Pakistan, and they were really good at making cool things out of clay. They made bowls and figurines and even toys for kids to play with.

But over time, things changed for the Jhukar people. It got really dry and hot where they lived, so they started to move away and find new places to live. And as they moved, they started making things out of different materials, like stone and metal.

This time period, when the Jhukar people were making things out of clay and then started to move and make things out of different materials, is called the Jhukar phase. It's an important part of history because it shows how people change and adapt over time.