ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kanzi (bonobo)

Kanzi is a very special type of monkey called a bonobo! Bonobos are very similar to other monkeys like chimpanzees, but they are also different in some ways. Kanzi is particularly special because he is very smart and can do many things that other monkeys cannot do.

Kanzi has been taught to understand human language and communicate with people using a type of sign language called lexigrams. Lexigrams are symbols that represent words, so when Kanzi sees a symbol, he knows it means something. For example, if he sees the symbol for "apple," he knows that it means a delicious fruit that he can eat.

Kanzi has also been taught how to make fire using matches and other tools. This is a very special skill that even some humans cannot do! When Kanzi wants to make a fire, he will gather sticks and other materials, and then use the matches to create a flame. He can then use this flame to cook food or keep warm.

Bonobos are also known for their social behavior. They are very friendly and often use touch to communicate with each other. Kanzi has a special bond with his human caregivers, which is very important for him as he was raised in captivity. Even though he cannot return to the wild, he has a comfortable life with plenty of love and attention.

In summary, Kanzi is a very smart bonobo who can communicate with humans using sign language, make fire, and has a special bond with his caregivers.