ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Law hand

Okay, so you know how sometimes people write things down to remember them later, like a grocery list or a note to a friend? Well, sometimes people write things down to remember rules and laws that everyone has to follow, like not stealing or not hurting other people.

A law hand is like a big list of all these rules and laws that people have written down over a really long time. They put it all together in one place so everyone can read it and know what they're supposed to do (or not do). It's kind of like a book that tells people what is allowed and what is not allowed.

Some law hands are really old and were written a long, long time ago, while others are more recent. People keep making new laws and adding them to the law hand so they can keep everything up-to-date.

So, just like you might check your grocery list before you go shopping, people check the law hand to make sure they're following all the rules and not breaking any laws. And if someone does break a law, they might get in trouble with the people who enforce the laws, like the police or the judges.