ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ronde script (calligraphy)

Imagine you have a special pen that can make very fancy letters on paper. Ronde script is a special way of making the letters that looks very pretty and old-fashioned.

To start, you need a piece of paper and your special pen. You start by making a loop at the top of the first letter, like a tiny circle. Then you draw a line down to the bottom. Next, you make a curvy line to connect the bottom of the first letter to the top of the second letter.

Each letter has its own special shape, but they all flow together like a pretty dance. It is important to take your time and be very careful with your pen to make sure the letters look nice and neat.

People used to write this way many, many years ago when there were no computers. It was very important to have nice handwriting because that was the only way to share information. Nowadays, people still use ronde script for special events like weddings, graduation certificates, or fancy invitations.