ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Legal drinking age

The legal drinking age is a rule that says you need to be a certain age to buy or drink alcohol. In most places, the legal drinking age is 21. That means that if you're not yet 21, you can't buy alcohol at a store, bar, or restaurant. You also can't drink alcohol in public places or in someone else's home without their permission.

The reason why the legal drinking age exists is to protect young people from the dangers of alcohol. Alcohol can be very dangerous, especially when it is consumed in large amounts or by people who are not yet adults. Some of the risks of drinking alcohol include getting into car accidents, making poor decisions, and damaging your health.

It's important to follow the legal drinking age because it's the law. Breaking the law can have serious consequences, including getting arrested or fined. In addition, drinking alcohol when you're underage can put you and others at risk.

Remember that even once you turn 21, it's important to drink responsibly. That means not drinking too much and not driving after you've been drinking. If you have any questions or concerns about alcohol, talk to a trusted adult, such as a parent or teacher, or a medical professional.