ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Marxist feminism

Marxist feminism is like trying to bake a cake, but instead of one big cake that one person eats alone, we want everyone to have a equal slice of cake! To understand Marxist feminism, we need to understand two things: capitalism and patriarchy.

Capitalism is a system where people work for a boss, make products, and sell them for money. The boss then keeps some of the money and gives the workers a little bit of it for their work. The workers get paid just enough so they can survive and go back to work the next day. This means that the capitalists or the bosses always have more money and power than the workers.

Patriarchy is when men have more power and authority than women, and this happens everywhere in society, like at home, in school and at work.

Now, we take these two things- capitalism and patriarchy- and put them together. Marxist feminism shows us that how men are treated and how women are treated are connected. Women who work for a boss, who do the same work as men, get paid less than men. Women of color and low-income women face even more discrimination. This means that women are paid less because they are seen as less valuable, even though they work just as hard.

Marxist feminism argues that women cannot be genuinely free while capitalism and patriarchy still exist. The idea is that if we want to make things equal, we need to change both systems. Marxist feminists want to eliminate capitalism and patriarchy because they think that the only way to have gender equality is to have economic equality. This means a living wage for everyone, having access to healthcare, education and free time, so that people can be properly valued for the work that they do, and not exploited or mistreated simply because of their gender.