ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mechanical advantage

Mechanical advantage is like using a magic wand to make it easier to do something that would normally be too hard for you to do by yourself.

Imagine you need to lift a really heavy bag of toys, but you're not strong enough to do it on your own. If you attach a rope to the bag and then tie the other end of the rope to a tree, you can pull on the rope and the bag will lift off the ground!

This is an example of mechanical advantage because using the rope and the tree helps you lift the bag with less effort. Instead of using all your muscles to lift the bag, you are using the rope and the tree to make it easier.

There are many ways to create mechanical advantage - pulleys, levers, and ramps are all examples. But the idea behind each of them is the same: by doing something clever, you can make a task that was once very difficult much easier.