ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Migration of the disadvantaged

Imagine you live in a house that is very small and doesn't have many things in it. You feel sad and uncomfortable because you don't have much space to play or store your things. Now imagine your friend lives in a big and spacious house with many toys and books to play with. You feel happy and excited to visit your friend's house because you have more space to play and learn new things.

In the same way, some people live in places where they don't have access to good jobs, schools, and healthcare, which makes their life difficult and challenging. These people are called disadvantaged because they don't have the same opportunities as others to improve their life.

To have a better life, some of these disadvantaged people may decide to move to a different place where they can find better jobs, schools, and healthcare. This process of moving from one place to another for a better life is called migration.

Migration can be challenging because moving to a new place means leaving behind friends, family, and the familiar surroundings. However, for disadvantaged people, migration can be a way to improve their life by accessing better opportunities and resources available in a different place.