ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Milk is a drink that comes from cows (and sometimes other animals like goats and sheep). We can also make milk-like drinks from plants like soy or almonds! The milk that comes from cows is put into big tanks and then taken to a place where it gets cleaned and processed.

Milk is full of good things for our bodies like protein, vitamins, and calcium that help us grow up to be strong and healthy. When we drink milk, it helps make our bones strong so we can jump and play. It's also good for our teeth and helps keep them strong too!

We can have milk with our breakfast, like on our cereal or in our oatmeal. We can also have it with our lunch or dinner, like in macaroni and cheese or a smoothie. Some people even like to have milk before bed to help them sleep better.

But despite all the good things in milk, some people can't have it because their bodies don't like it. That's okay – there are lots of other things we can eat and drink to help us grow strong and healthy!