ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Non-coding DNA

Non-coding DNA is like the extra decorations on a cake that don't actually change the flavor. Our bodies have DNA which is the genetic material that determines how we grow and develop. However, not all the DNA instructions are used to make things like our eye color, hair color, or height. Some of it is called non-coding DNA, which means that it doesn't give any instructions to our body like coding DNA does.

It's important to understand that just because something is non-coding doesn't mean that it doesn't have a purpose. Non-coding DNA provides several important functions that researchers are still trying to understand. For example, some non-coding DNA helps regulate the activity of other genes, while others help maintain the structure of chromosomes.

Think of non-coding DNA like a big, fancy book cover. Even though the cover doesn't actually tell us what's inside the book, it's still important because it protects and preserves what's inside. In the same way, non-coding DNA protects and preserves the important genetic information that does make a difference in how our bodies work.