ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Provinces of India

India is a big country with many different parts called "provinces". Imagine if you have lots of toys and you put them in different boxes to keep them organized. India does the same thing with its people and places by splitting them up into different provinces.

There are 28 provinces in India. Each one has its own special name and is a little bit different from the others. Some are bigger, some are smaller, and some have more people living in them than others.

Each province has its own government and leader, just like how your classroom has a teacher who is in charge. They make decisions about what is best for the people who live in their province.

India is a very diverse country, with many different religions, languages, and cultures. So, the provinces help to keep everything organized and make sure everyone's needs are being met. It's kind of like having different colored crayons to make a beautiful picture - each province adds something unique and special to India as a whole.