Long, long time ago, in a place called Italy, there were two brothers named Romulus and Remus. They were special because they were the kids of the god of war called Mars!
One day, the brothers had a big argument over which hill they should build their own city on. They decided to ask the gods for help. The gods sent big signs: twelve buzzards flew over the proposed hill of Romulus, while only six did for Remus. So Romulus chose his hill and started building walls around it for protection.
But, Remus wasn't happy and jumped over the walls that Romulus built, making Romulus very angry. A big fight broke out between the brothers, and sadly, Remus was killed!
But, the city that Romulus built was called "Rome," and it became a very famous, big, and powerful city for many, many years. It has lots of history and stories told about it. And people still visit Rome today to see it!