ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Speech disorder

A speech disorder is when a person has trouble speaking in a way that is easy for others to understand. It's kinda like when you try to say a really big word and it sounds all jumbled up and nobody can understand what you mean. Some people have trouble saying certain sounds or words, while others might have trouble with the flow of their speech or how fast they talk.

A speech disorder can be caused by lots of things. Some people are born with them, while others might get them after an injury or illness. Speech therapists can help people who have speech disorders by teaching them different ways to speak that make it easier for others to understand. They might also teach them exercises or activities to improve their speech muscles. It's kind of like exercising your body to get stronger and healthier. With a little bit of practice and help, people with speech disorders can learn how to speak better and communicate more effectively.