ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so sometimes when a mommy is pregnant, she has two babies growing in her tummy instead of just one. These babies are called twins!

There are two types of twins: identical twins and fraternal twins. Identical twins are when one fertilized egg splits in half and grows into two babies that look almost exactly the same. Kind of like when you cut a sandwich in half and each half looks the same!

Fraternal twins are when the mommy releases two eggs and both eggs get fertilized by two different sperm. Fraternal twins can look similar, but they don't look exactly the same because they come from two different eggs and sperm.

Twins can be born at the same time or a few minutes apart. Sometimes they even have their own secret language that only they understand!

It's pretty special to have a twin because you get to grow up together and have a best friend for life. But even if you aren't a twin, it's still important to be kind and love your siblings, just like a twin would!