ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Urban culture

Urban culture is all about the way people who live in cities dress, talk, act, and think. It's like a big group of people who live in the same big city and share some things in common.

For example, people who live in big cities tend to be more fast-paced and busy because there are so many things to do and see. They might walk faster, talk louder, and be more focused on their goals.

Urban culture can also involve different types of music, fashion, and art. Hip-hop and rap music, for example, often have roots in urban culture because they originated in cities. People who are a part of urban culture might wear certain trendy clothes or hairstyles that are popular in their city.

Finally, urban culture can also include certain attitudes and beliefs that are unique to people who live in big cities. For example, some people might think that being tough and independent is important because you have to be able to handle all the challenges that come with living in a big city.

So, urban culture is all about the lifestyle of people who live in cities, including their behaviors, preferences, and values.