ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vote counting system

Imagine you and your friends are deciding what movie to watch during a sleepover, but nobody can agree on a movie. Some of your friends want to watch an action movie, some want to watch comedy, and some want to watch a drama.

To decide which movie to watch, you all agree to vote. This means each person will say which movie they want to watch, and you'll count up the votes to see which one got the most.

Let's say there are 5 people: you, Lily, Max, Sofia, and Mia.

You ask everyone to write down on a piece of paper which movie they want to watch. Lily votes for the action movie, Max votes for the comedy, Sofia votes for the drama, and Mia can't decide so she doesn't vote.

Now you have 3 votes: 1 for action, 1 for comedy, and 1 for drama.

Since the action movie got the most votes, that's the movie you'll watch!

In real life, it's a bit more complicated because there are usually more than just 3 choices and sometimes the choices are more important than just picking a movie to watch. But the basic idea is the same: you count up how many votes each choice gets and pick the one with the most votes.