ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

War of manoeuvre

Okay kiddo, let's imagine you and your friends are playing a game of tag. You're all running around, trying to catch each other. But you're not just randomly running around, you're trying to use different strategies to catch the other players.

This is kind of like what a war of manoeuvre is. It's a type of warfare where both sides are trying to outsmart each other with clever tactics and moves, just like in the game of tag.

Now, when countries go to war, they don't just randomly start fighting each other. They have plans and strategies in place to try and defeat the other side. In a war of manoeuvre, both sides are trying to gain the advantage over the other by using clever tactics and manoeuvres.

For example, one side might try to surprise the other by attacking from an unexpected direction. Another might try to sneak around and cut off their opponent's supply lines so they can't get the resources they need to keep fighting.

Just like in your game of tag, these tactics can be very tricky and require a lot of clever thinking. It's a bit like a big game of chess, where both sides are trying to outmanoeuvre each other to win.

So that's what a war of manoeuvre is all about – clever tactics, strategic moves, and trying to outsmart your opponent. Just like in a game of tag, it requires a lot of skill and clever thinking to come out on top!