ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Water gas

Water gas is a gas that is made when we mix steam with a fuel source like coal or oil. Imagine you have a toy kitchen where you can mix pretend ingredients to make yummy pretend food. Water gas is just like that, but it needs special tools and lots of heat to make it.

First, we take coal or oil and put it into a container that can handle high heat, like a big pot on a stove. Then we heat it up really hot without any air, just like when you cook popcorn in a pot with a lid. This makes the coal or oil break down and change into a gas called "producer gas".

But that's not enough! We still need to mix the hot producer gas with steam. Steam is just like the mist you see in the bathroom after a hot shower. We can make steam by heating up water until it starts to bubble and turn into steam.

When we mix the hot producer gas with the steam, it reacts to form water gas. This reaction is like when you mix baking powder and vinegar and watch it fizz and bubble. The water gas we get is made up of hydrogen gas and carbon monoxide gas, which can be used as a fuel for heating and making electricity.

But it's important to remember that making water gas isn't good for the environment because it produces a lot of greenhouse gases. So scientists are always trying to find other ways to make energy that are cleaner and better for our planet.