ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

3-volley salute

The 3-volley salute is a special way of showing respect for somebody who has died. When someone passes away, it can be very sad for their family and friends. The 3-volley salute is a way of honoring them and saying goodbye.

So what happens during a 3-volley salute? Well, there are usually three people who are part of it. Each person has a gun, and they all stand in a line.

When it's time to do the salute, the first person fires their gun three times in a row. Then the second person does the same thing, and finally the third person does it too. This is why it's called a "3-volley" salute.

The sound of the guns is very loud, so it's important to be careful when doing the salute. Everybody who is there usually stands still and stays silent during the 3-volley salute, as a way of showing respect.

The 3-volley salute is often done at funerals or memorial services for military members or veterans. It's a very special way of saying goodbye to somebody who served their country and is no longer with us.

Overall, the 3-volley salute is a way of showing respect and honor for somebody who has passed away. It may seem sad, but it can also be a way of celebrating their life and the good things they did while they were alive.