ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Call avoidance

Call avoidance is when someone tries to not answer the phone or talk to someone who is calling them. Just like sometimes you don't want to talk to your friends when they come over to play, sometimes grown-ups don't want to talk on the phone. There can be many reasons for this, like not feeling well, feeling busy or overwhelmed, or just not being in the mood to chat.

But sometimes people use call avoidance for not so nice reasons, like avoiding someone they don't like or a problem they don't want to deal with. Just like it's not nice to ignore your friends when they want to play with you, it's not nice for grown-ups to ignore phone calls when they know they should answer them.

It's important to be responsible and answer the phone when we can, even if we don't feel like talking. And if we do need to avoid a call for a good reason, it's always better to let the person know why we couldn't answer and when we can talk later.