ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Compulsory licensing

Okay, kiddo, let's talk about something called compulsory licensing.

Imagine you have a toy that you really like to play with. But one day, your friend really wants to play with that same toy too. You could share it with them, but you might not want to give it up just yet.

That's a bit like what happens with inventions and products that belong to big companies. Sometimes, other people or companies might really need to use that invention or product, but they can't because the company that made it won't let them.

So, in some cases, the government steps in and says that even though the company made the invention or product, they have to let someone else use it too. This is called compulsory licensing.

It's like when a teacher makes everyone share a toy in class, even if one person doesn't want to. The government is like the teacher, making sure that everyone has a fair chance to use something that's really important.

Compulsory licensing can help people get access to things like medicine or technology that they need, even if it's really expensive. It's all about sharing and being fair.