ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Confederate States of America

Okay kiddo, a long time ago in America, some people didn't agree with the rules and the way things were being done. They decided they wanted to do things their own way, so they made their own group called the Confederate States of America.

The Confederate States wanted to do some things differently than the normal American government. They thought that each state should be able to make their own rules and laws, instead of just following what the big government said. They also thought that some people should be allowed to have slaves, even though most of America didn't believe in that anymore.

This caused a big disagreement between the Confederate States and the rest of America. Eventually, they had a big fight called the Civil War. It was a really sad time because so many people got hurt, and families were torn apart.

In the end, the Confederate States lost the war, and America stayed as one big country with everyone following the same rules. Nowadays, we remember the Confederate States as a time in history when some people wanted to do things differently, even though it wasn't the right thing to do.