ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Energy transfer

Hey kiddo, have you ever played catch with a ball? When you throw the ball to your friend, the ball has energy in it that helps it move through the air. That's how energy transfer works!

Just like the ball, everything around us has energy. Energy can't be created or destroyed, but it can be transferred from one thing to another.

Let's say you're riding your bike. Your body has energy that helps you pedal the bike and move forward. When you come to a stop, you need to use the brakes to transfer that energy from your body to the bike's brakes, which helps slow down the bike.

Energy can also transfer through other things, like heat. When you turn on a stove to cook your lunch, the stovetop gets hot. That's because the energy from the stove's flame is transferred to the metal surface of the stovetop, making it hot.

Another way energy can transfer is through waves. Have you ever listened to the radio? The music and voices you hear come through the air as sound waves. The radio picks up those waves and turns them into the sounds you hear.

So, energy transfer is when energy is passed from one thing to another. Whether it's through movement, heat, or waves, energy transfer is happening all around us, all the time!