ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fermentation in food processing

Hey kiddo, do you know how fruits and vegetables can turn into yummy things like pickles or yogurt? This is because of a process called fermentation!

When we want to make something like sauerkraut, we start by chopping up cabbage and putting it in a container. Then, we add something called a starter culture. This is like a special ingredient that helps to create the right environment for fermentation to happen. Usually, it's bacteria that are naturally found on the cabbage or in the air.

Now, this is where the magic happens! As the bacteria start to consume the sugars in the cabbage, they produce something called lactic acid. This is what gives sauerkraut its tangy flavor.

But wait, there's more! Fermentation not only changes the taste of food, it can also make it easier to digest and more nutritious. The bacteria in the starter culture actually break down some of the fibers in the cabbage, making it softer and more easily digestible. And, they also produce vitamins and other beneficial compounds that our bodies can use.

So, when we eat fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi, or kombucha, we're not only treating our taste buds, we're also giving our bodies a boost. And all thanks to the amazing process of fermentation!