ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gini index

Gini index is a way to measure how equal or unequal things are between different groups of people or things. Imagine that you have a bunch of toys and you want to share them between you and your friend. If you share them equally, you will each have the same amount of toys. But if you give all the best toys to yourself and leave only the bad ones for your friend, that is not very fair.

The Gini index helps us to understand how fair or unfair the distribution of something is. It is usually used to measure the distribution of income, but it can be used for other things too, like how evenly a cake is sliced. If all the slices are the same size, that is fair; but if one person gets a tiny slice and another person gets a huge slice, that is not fair.

The Gini index is a number between 0 and 1. If the Gini index is 0, that means everyone has the same thing. Everyone has the same amount of toys, or everyone has the same amount of income. If the Gini index is 1, that means one person has everything and everyone else has nothing. One person has all the toys, or one person has all the money.

So, the Gini index helps us to understand how fairly something is distributed. The closer to 0 the Gini index is, the more evenly things are shared. The closer to 1 the Gini index is, the more unequal things are.