ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hazard function

A hazard function is kind of like a map that helps us figure out how likely someone or something is to get hurt or die. Imagine you’re playing a game where you have to walk across a field filled with dangerous obstacles, like thorny bushes or sharp rocks. The hazard function is like a guide that tells you how likely you are to get hurt as you make your way across the field.

The hazard function works by looking at two things: the time it takes for you to get hurt (which we call “time-to-event”), and how likely it is that you will get hurt at any given time. For example, if you’re trying to cross the field in the middle of the day when the sun is shining and there’s not much wind, your hazard function might look low because the conditions are pretty safe. But if you’re trying to cross the field during a thunderstorm with high winds and lightning, your hazard function might be much higher because the conditions are much more dangerous.

Overall, the hazard function is a way to understand how risky a situation is based on how long you’re exposed to danger and how likely it is that you’ll get hurt. By using this map, we can make better decisions about how to stay safe and avoid hazards in our lives.