ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Two-child policy

Hey there kiddo! Have you ever heard about a two-child policy? It's like a rule that some countries have that says families can only have two kids.

You know how when you play with your toys, it's fun to share them with your brother or sister? Well, the two-child policy is a way to help make sure there are enough toys, or resources, to go around for everyone in a country.

See, when lots of families have lots of kids, it can be harder for the government to make sure everyone has enough food, water, and other things they need to be healthy and happy. So, some countries have decided to make a rule that families can only have two kids to help make sure there are enough resources for everyone.

It's kind of like a game of musical chairs, where there are only so many chairs (or resources) to go around. With a two-child policy, there are fewer chairs being added to the game so that everyone has a fair shot at getting a seat when the music stops.

Of course, some families might want to have more than two kids, but the rule is there to help make sure everyone has a fighting chance at getting what they need to live their best life.