ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Types of democracy

Democracy is a system of government where the people choose leaders to represent them and make laws on their behalf. There are different types of democracy.

One type is called a Representative Democracy. In a Representative Democracy, the people elect representatives to speak for them and pass laws on behalf of them. Representatives are elected by the people to serve for a certain length of time.

Another type is called a Direct Democracy. In a Direct Democracy, people vote on policies and laws directly without representatives. This type of democracy is more difficult to have as it requires more people to be involved in the voting process and may take longer to pass laws.

The last type is called an Absolute or Totalitarian Democracy. In this type, the people do not have a say in the decisions made and the leader has absolute power. This type of democracy is often seen as oppressive as it does not allow people to express their opinions or have any input on government decisions.